Getting started |
bbdoc |
online documentation for the toolbox |
bbinstall |
Install, uninstall, download, and upgrade |
Elementary black-box operators |
bbmatrix |
black-box from a Matlab matrix |
bbinv |
black-box to invert a Matlab matrix |
bbindex |
indexing black-box |
bbeye |
identity black-box |
bbdiag |
diagonal black-box |
bbconst |
black-box with constant elements |
bbzeros |
black-box of zeros |
bbmean |
averaging black-box |
Toeplitz and related operators |
bbtoeplitz |
Toeplitz black-box |
bbdbltoeplitz |
doubly Toeplitz black-box |
bbblktoep1s |
sparse block-Toeplitz type-1 black-box |
bbhankel |
Hankel black-box |
Image- and hypercube operators |
bbflipdim |
black-box that flips a specified dimension |
bbpermute |
dimension-permuting black-box |
bbredim |
redimensioning black-box |
bbrescale |
rescaling black-box |
bbconvn |
black-box for N-dimensional convolution |
Tomographic operators |
bbtomoemit |
black-box model of an emission tomograph |
bbradon |
black-box for a Radon transform |
bbfbp |
inverse of Radon using filtered backprojection |
Miscellaneous operators |
bbhadamard |
Hadamard black-box |
bblaplacian |
a finite-difference Laplace operator |
Black-box creation, manipulation, and destruction |
blackbox |
black-box operator |
bbclear |
a black-box without leaving garbage |
bbqualify |
informational qualifier to a black-box |
bbsimplify |
a black-box operator |
bbinline |
and freeze a black-box operator |
isa |
type of matrix operator |
Black-box information and verification |
bbinspect |
Utility to explore an evaluation tree |
bbshowtree |
evaluation tree for a black-box |
bbtauest |
accuracy of a black-box statistically |
bbcompare |
two operators for equality |
Tests and probes for iterative algorithms |
bbnoisy |
a noisy version of an operator |
bbcount |
black-box that counts invocations |
bbcountstat |
count statistics |
bbcountreset |
counts statistics |
Explicit black-box versions of standard functions |
bbadd |
a number of operators |
bbprod |
a product of operators and scalars |
bbkron |
Kronecker-product of two operators |
bbrepmat |
and tile an operator |
Statistics |
bbrand |
random samples from a given distribution |
bbpca |
Component Analysis |
bbempoisson |
linear system with Poisson noise |
Miscellaneous support functions |
bbkernel |
a standard convolutional kernel |
bbphantom |
a standard test-image |
bbimagein |
intensity-image with gamma-correction |
Computing with black-box operators |
bbmult |
black-box with a matrix |
bbmultq |
evaluation of product (no checks) |
bbmultqh |
evaluation of adjoint product (no checks) |
bbfunc |
functions for matrix-vector products |
bbfuncm |
functions for matrix-matrix products |
Equation solving and regularization |
bbpresolve |
iterative solution of a linear system |
bbsolve |
a solution of a linear system |
bbregsolve |
a regularized solution of a linear system |
bbsolveopt |
options for solving a linear system |
bbsolvemem |
memory usage for solving a linear system |
bblcurve |
L-curve and estimate regularization parameter |
SVD computations |
bbsvds |
singular values/triplets of an operator |
bbsvdf |
singular triplets of an operator with call-back |
bbsvdopt |
options for computing an SVD |
bbsvdmem |
memory usage for an SVD computation |
Internal parcel mechanism |
bbparcel |
a parcel for pass-by-reference |
bbwrap |
variables into a parcel |
bbunwrap |
variables out from a parcel |
bbpeek |
a copy of a variable in a parcel |
bbship |
a parcel into a struct |